Welcome to the Mars Rover project; a one-in-a-lifetime project. After
5 years in the making (on and off, actual working time was about 3
years), 3 computer upgrades, a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of
frustration and hundreds cups of coffee, the project is about to be
finished. This page is dedicated to all the people involved in the
making of the actual rover, who inspired me with their enthusiasm about
this project, along with all the fans of the rovers. This project is
dedicated to Neli.
For the people not familiar with the mars rovers project, it’s NASA’s
launch of a pair of almost identical unmanned geologist robots towards
mars in search of water. Both of these exploration rovers successfully
landed on mars, sending valuable information back to earth. The names of
the two rovers are Spirit and Opportunity, the model depicted here is
Spirit but the differences between the two models are only significant
to professionals and hardcore fans. They both exceeded NASA’s
predictions of their life expectancy, but unfortunately Spirit ‘died’ on
mars after its 6-year adventure, while Opportunity still goes on.
Since there are a lot of images in this section, it will be divided
in 3 pages, so don’t forget to see the rest of the pages! Keep in mind
that the zoomed images that load after you click (…or touch) are huge in size, so be patient until they load!
More in www.nicksotiriadis.gr
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